Wednesday 21 May 2014



Toronto Hyatt

Here's where to find me:

CWC AGM:  Friday, 2:30-3:30, Salon A

CWC MEMBER RECEPTION:  Friday, 3:30-4:30

BLOODY WORDS RECEPTION:  Friday, 5:30-6:30

BOOKS WITH LEGS,  Friday, 10 pm

PANEL:  THAT'S NOT SICK, THAT'S FUNNY!,  Saturday 1:30-2:30


For your convenience, the entire schedule is posted below.  See you there!

 Friday, June 6

2 p.m. – 9 p.m. Registration. The registration/information desk is on the east side of the escalators.
6:30 p.m. – 10 p.m. Agent/editor appointments (you’ll be given your appointment time a week or two before the conference)
TimeTrack 1Track 2Mystery Café
5:30-6:30 PMReception — Welcome to Bloody Words!
7:00-7:50 PMBlood, blood, glorious blood…
(forensic hematology)
Romantic suspense & cozies: No longer what you expect
(new approaches to these subgenres)
The Sage, the saint, and the sleuth
(religion, philosophy, and the “modern” sleuth)
8:00-8:50 PMCSI: Toronto
(the reality of crime scene investigations)
Are short stories the new black?
(short story panel)
Law & order with sword & gun
(1320s England or 1919 Toronto: a cop is a cop…or is he?)
9:00-9:50 PMThe many worlds of crime
(a look at crime from neighbourhood-level to the Supreme Court of Canada)
Indie publishing: We’re here to stay
(non-traditional publishing)
EVEning the Odds
(women sleuths, past & present)
10:00-11:00 PMBooks with Legs
(books published in the last 6 months struttin’ their stuff on the catwalk in our literary fashion show)

Saturday, June 7

8:30 a.m. – 6 p.m. Registration. The registration/information desk is on the east side of the escalators.
TimeTrack 1Track 2More Track 2
9:00-9:50 AMAsk them anything: Agents & editors
(Q&A with agents & acquiring editors)
Split personality
(writing more than one series, or a series & stand-alones, or different subgenres…)
It’s Number One!
(first novel panel)
10:00-10:50 AMFrom rocks to Glocks
(weapons thru the ages)
You are what you write…or are you?
(character = author…true or false)
An hour with Michael Jecks
(interview with our international GoH)
11:00-11:50 AMShoot-out at the digital corral
(computer crime & digital forensics)
Fifty shades of cop
(various takes on police procedurals)
Reinventing history
(historical mysteries)
12:00-1:30 PMLunch – see you back at 1:30 for the afternoon sessions
1:30-2:20 PMPssst, wanna be a professional author?
(tips on doing readings, fielding interviews, body language, & more)
That’s not sick; that’s funny
(humour panel)
Setting: More than trees & houses
(getting characters’ attitudes & beliefs correct as part of the setting)
2:30-3:20 PMDeath & taxes & contracts…oh my!
(what authors should know about taxes & contracts)
Old sins cast long shadows
(how past wrongs impact present-day characters)
An hour with Vicki Delany
(interview with our Canuck GoH)
3:30-4:20 PMBloody Idol
(BW attendees’ story openings judged by an agent, 2 editors, & a reviewer)
Is the female of the species more deadly than the male?
(men & women authors discuss how women are portrayed in crime fiction)
The science of murder
(premature murder meets science, medicine, & hi-tech)
4:30-5:20 PMThe cinematic Sherlock Holmes, 1922–2014
(Holmes on the silver & small screen)
The evil that men do
(writing about societal evils like genocide, racism, child abuse, slavery, etc.)
Heroes with feet of clay; villains with hearts of gold
(multi-dimensional characters)
5:30-7:00 PMMeet & greet and mass autograph session
7:00-10:00 PMBanquet & awards ceremony

Sunday, June 8

TimePresentationWorkshopMystery Café
10:00 AM-1:00 PMCostumes & clothing
(slide show & talk on historical clothing & theatrical & film/TV costumes)
Reality check
(from cussin’ to names to wounds & more – getting your facts, etc. right)
Who sees what & how?
(point of view & structure in your book)

Dealers room

The dealers room will be open from 4 p.m. – 9 p.m. on Friday and from 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. on Saturday.

Scene of the Crime room

The scene of the crime room will be open from 7 p.m. – 11 p.m. on Friday and from 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. on Saturday.

Tuesday 13 May 2014

BIGGEST AUTHOR THRILL YET: to find your photo under Stephen King's in MYSTERY SCENE MAGAZINE

for putting my photo on the same award page as Stephen King's!
Mine was for The Goddaughter's Revenge winning the Derringer.  
Stephen's was for being shortlisted for the Thriller Awards.

Thursday 1 May 2014

Sushi For Two - and Pass the Matzo

When it comes to trying different types of food, I'm not really adventurous.  I kind of like to know what I'm eating.  Where it came from.  What it's been doing all its life.  So when Wil said he was taking me to a Japanese restaurant to celebrate my birthday, I was skeptical.

Of course, I've been to Japanese restaurants before.  You know the sort.  The chef (who really isn't a chef - he's a contortionist from the Tokyo Circus) stands in the centre of the table (which really isn't a table - it's a grill, isn't it?  Those clever Japanese) where he juggles footlong salt and pepper mills while cutting your meat into tiny pieces with really sharp knives and practicing the latest kung fu moves from Saturday morning television.

You, on the other hand, spend your time ducking salt and avoiding becoming the target of the knife throwing show by smiling a lot and drinking copious amounts of rocket fuel sake.  With luck and perserverance, you topple off your bar stool just in time.

Unfortunately, this wasn't that sort of place.  Nope, this was the sort of place where you get to meet your meal before you eat it.  It might even swim out to your plate.

Will grinned.  "Look, the place is filled with Japanese people.  The food must be great!"

Now, I have to admit, I've never quite seen the logic of that line.  So Japanese people are in the place.  And that makes it good?  What if they've all been BRIBED to be there?  What if it's a family concern (a BIG family) and Uncle Phil will go broke if they don't eat there?  What if it's the only place they can understand what people are saying?

Granted, it would be a little disorienting to walk into a Japanese resto and find it filled with - say - Germans speaking Urdu.  Sort of like going to an Italian Trattoria and being served by someone called Weinbaum.  " want Matzo with your fettucini?  No? What, are you sick?  Hey Goldie!  Bring somma dat chicken soup over here."

We were led to a very dark corner and asked politely to sit on the floor.  Then we were given soup to eat with chopsticks.  Have you ever tried to eat soup with chopsticks?  Now I know why Japanese people are so slim.

"What's this?"  I said, spearing a little springy white glump with the chopstick.

"Tofu," said Wil.  "Try it - it takes on the flavour of anything you put with it."

"And what have they put with it?" I said gamely.

Will leaned over.  "Looks like fish eyes.  But don't worry.  They're cooked."

Maybe that's why they use chopsticks.  Maybe they don't WANT to eat it.